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Kamis, 10 Maret 2011

Seni Patung Modern Sumatera Barat dalam Perspektif Sosiologis

Oleh: Erfahmi
Dosen Jurusan Seni Rupa FBSS UNP Padang
(Editor: Nasbahry Couto)
The results of the study show that the growth and the development of the modern sculpture of West Sumatera are influenced by various factors such as the existing art educational institutions, governmental institutions, state owned corporations and local government owned corporations, private institutions, artists and their supporting people. The direction of the growth and the development of the modern sculpture of West Sumatera is more likely to serve its social functions as clearly observed in the sculptural work in the form of monuments and other monumental works with their realistic representation of the form copying than those that serve the function as the personal expression of the artists. It is believed that the phenomena is economically influenced by the governmental institutions and the state owned corporation and the local government owned corporation and also the private sector in addition to the supporting people with their political tendency and to establish certain institutional or corporation images of the respective institutions.
Keywords: Modern Sculpture Art, Growth, and Development

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